Pi Kappa Predator Alert: Kristian Marroquin

Anonymous submission

Kristian Marroquin is known to be violent sexually and emotionally. He ignores consent and sees “no” as a challenge. He pursues women even after they have adamantly expressed disinterest, and is very possessive emotionally. Kristian is predatory in how he approaches women, usually through social media. He engages in stalker behavior, and will find personal information posted online to get close to people.

Kristian is an advertising major,  former member of Pi Kappa Phi, and drives a black suburban. He grew up in San Antonio and has a white Labrador that goes by “Frida.”



Got a story you need to tell? Publish it with us! Send us your warnings about dangerous people on campus as well as your opinion pieces, art, zines, reviews, news, statements, report-backs, or anything else you wanna see put out in the world. We take all kinds of content, with an eye towards marginalized perspectives and news about movements & revolutionary organizations. Submit content to austinautonomedia [@] autistici [dot] org.







Your DNA is an Abomination

By Rudy Martinez. Republished from Sybil. Initially published in “The University Star,” the student newspaper of Texas State. This piece provoked massive right-wing backlash, resulting in the administration condemning the author and scrubbing the article from the publication. We republish it here for the crucial intervention it makes against white supremacy, and because fuck Texas State and angry whites. Read Rudy’s followup, detailing the backlash after this piece was initially published. Featured image by Alyssa Franks.

“Now I am become white, the destroyer of worlds.”

I hate white people. White people should hate white people. In fact, when I think of all the white people I have ever encountered, whether they’ve been professors, peers, lovers, friends, police officers, etc.—there are perhaps a dozen I would consider “decent.”

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Turning Point: A New Threat On Campus

Autonomous Student Media: Gestures Towards the Ungovernable

Two weeks ago, the new chapter of Turning Point USA at UT hosted their first meeting. It was interrupted for a while by a fire alarm, forcing the meeting to move outside–where it was easy to see and overhear their conversation. We’ve gathered intelligence about what exactly happened at this meeting, who is involved in TPUSA, and what TPUSA’s emergence on campus means. We encourage you to share this article with your professors, TAs, classmates, and other networks. This is an extremely relevant issue for anybody that is progressive or left-leaning, who could be at risk of being targeted by this group.

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What Starts Here: YCT Shut Down, Survivors Stand Up, and DSA Blocks A Bridge

Autonomous Student Media: Gestures Towards the Ungovernable

We fell behind on our news cycle since we were busy working on the YCT. Here’s a roundup of the past 2 weeks of news–a lot has happened! In this roundup, we’ve got a report on the events following the YCT demonstration, anti-Kavanaugh protests in Austin, the Stand with Survivors rally, and the inaugural Turning Point USA meeting.

CW: Sexual assault, Kavanaugh, rape apologism

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Who Are the YCT?

Autonomous Student Media: Gestures Towards the Ungovernable

Over the past months, we’ve gathered lots of data connecting various parties within the YCT and telling us more about their activities. So far, we have 4 articles published on this site about the YCT. As we approach one week after their now infamous pro-Kavanaugh demonstration on West Mall, we’re putting out this compilation of all of the information on all of the YCT members we currently know of.

Continue reading “Who Are the YCT?”

Erasure Poem About the YCT

An Anonymous Submission

Content warning: Institutional indifference, sexual assault

Send any intel about the YCT to us on facebook, twitter, or at our email!

Got a story you need to tell? Do you have thoughts on the YCT counter-protest, experiences, art, or something else you want to put out into the world? You can publish it with us! We can promise anonymity for any content you submit and offer up our platform. Send us your opinion pieces, art, rants, zines, reviews, news, statements, report-backs, or anything else you wanna see put out in the world. Don’t worry about being “coherent,” “professional,” “civil,” or some other bullshit–just come as you are!

We take all kinds of content, with an eye towards marginalized perspectives and news about movements & revolutionary organizations. Submit content to austinautonomedia [@] autistici [dot] org.

UT Protects YCT Misogynoir & Rape Apologism

Autonomous Student Media: Gestures Towards the Ungovernable

On Wednesday evening, the YCT hosted an event where Michael Quinn Sullivan & Cary Cheshire of the right-wing advocacy group Empower Texans came and spoke to them. Following on the heels of the mass protest against the YCT’s pro-Kavanaugh demonstration on West Mall, figures like Paul Bettencourt pressured the University in ramping up their already extravagant efforts to protect the group. In anticipation of possible protests, police swarmed the area around Waggener hall. On the outside, 5-7 cops stood on guard and patrolled the area. Hidden away by the GDC and SAC, two patrol cars waited. On the inside, the lobby of the building contained another 4 police officers. Finally, the room for the YCT’s even contained approximately 5 police officers.

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The YCT: Not Just Racists, But Rape Apologists Too!

Autonomous Student Media: Gestures Towards the Ungovernable

Yesterday, members of the Young Conservatives of Texas tabled with pro-Kavanaugh & anti-#MeToo signs on West Mall. They were swiftly confronted by a growing crowd of students, who made signs in protest, destroyed YCT signs, and chanted slogans like “we believe survivors!” With women of color taking the initiative, the protests grew increasingly militant and also confronted the administration and the police enabling the YCT rally. Within two hours, the YCT had fled in the face of the massive backlash.

Here’s a preliminary serving of information we dug up on the people who were out there yesterday. We encourage people to use these to wage campaigns and ensure there are repercussions for the actions they took yesterday. Demonstrating in defense of rapists and making campus hostile to survivors should not go unanswered. At the same time, students should prepare for backlash. Already, one student is facing harassment and threats because of a video circulating from yesterday. Students should expect to organize solidarity campaigns against targeted harassment, and begin securing their own information to avoid harassment.

Continue reading “The YCT: Not Just Racists, But Rape Apologists Too!”

SATX Call To Action: Vigilia Hasta Que Haya Justicia

Submission from Mapache, a member of the Contra Todo Collective in San Antonio
        One important thing has been stolen from the lives of the Chicanx and Latinx people for hundreds of years. From the time colonists arrived and pushed the indigenous peoples out of what is now SouthWest America, to the American takeover of Mexico where those who fought at the Alamo became martyrs of the invasion, and now in the continuation of violence against the people of this land in the form of I.C.E. and detention; there is one thing the brave people of this continent have fought for: justice.

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San Antonio ICE Agents

Republished from a document produced by Revolutionary Horizon

Click through the images to see the agents that have been identified with photos & social media profiles. Below are agents who have not yet been matched with a social media profile or photo.

If this interests you, check out this article regarding an anti-ICE & anti-fascist alert system set up by organizers in San Antonio.

[ngg_images source=”galleries” container_ids=”2″ display_type=”photocrati-nextgen_basic_imagebrowser” ajax_pagination=”0″ order_by=”sortorder” order_direction=”ASC” returns=”included” maximum_entity_count=”500″] Continue reading “San Antonio ICE Agents”