Merry Doxxmas! A Racist Holiday Roundup

Autonomous Student Media: Gestures Towards the Ungovernable

Over a month ago, UT students and Austin anti-racists showed out to take action against the presence of white nationalist speaker Katie Hopkins on campus. Since the counter-protest, a team of antifascists has dedicated itself to digging up information on the students who attended thise event, where the Daily Texan reported the audience applauding the grotesque xenophobia Hopkins was spewing.

This crew now gladly presents the fruits of this research, as well as a call to help identify some yet unrecognized faces. The research below includes people who were at the Katie Hopkins event, as well as newly identified members of Turning Point USA or the Young Conservatives of Texas.

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Pi Kappa Predator Alert: Kristian Marroquin

Anonymous submission

Kristian Marroquin is known to be violent sexually and emotionally. He ignores consent and sees “no” as a challenge. He pursues women even after they have adamantly expressed disinterest, and is very possessive emotionally. Kristian is predatory in how he approaches women, usually through social media. He engages in stalker behavior, and will find personal information posted online to get close to people.

Kristian is an advertising major,  former member of Pi Kappa Phi, and drives a black suburban. He grew up in San Antonio and has a white Labrador that goes by “Frida.”



Got a story you need to tell? Publish it with us! Send us your warnings about dangerous people on campus as well as your opinion pieces, art, zines, reviews, news, statements, report-backs, or anything else you wanna see put out in the world. We take all kinds of content, with an eye towards marginalized perspectives and news about movements & revolutionary organizations. Submit content to austinautonomedia [@] autistici [dot] org.







When They Came For Me

By Rudy Martinez. Republished from Sybil. Read the original polemic against whiteness publication here.

Six months ago, I graduated with a philosophy degree from Texas State University in San Marcos, TX. What was promised to be a day of jubilation for my family, as I am a first-generation Colombian and the first in my family to ever attend an American institute of higher education, was instead welcomed with a reluctant sigh of relief. My parents both escaped a decades-long civil war in Colombia and met in Miami in the early-90s. They would marry in September 1991 and I would be born March 21st, 1992. We grew up in a predominately Latinx working-class neighborhood in Miami called Hialeah. The only thing my mother ever asked of my younger sister and I is that we go to college. Hialeah wasn’t exactly a place that nurtured my intellectual potential, but I managed to attend community college right after high school. Within two years, I had dropped out and decided to hitchhike around the country. After returning from the road, I made new friends and we all moved to Texas: This is how I found Texas State. After waiting a year to qualify for in-state tuition, I became a “Bobcat” in the fall of 2015. As a philosophy student at a “Hispanic Serving” institution, I was excited to synthesize my cultural past with an intellectual future.

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Your DNA is an Abomination

By Rudy Martinez. Republished from Sybil. Initially published in “The University Star,” the student newspaper of Texas State. This piece provoked massive right-wing backlash, resulting in the administration condemning the author and scrubbing the article from the publication. We republish it here for the crucial intervention it makes against white supremacy, and because fuck Texas State and angry whites. Read Rudy’s followup, detailing the backlash after this piece was initially published. Featured image by Alyssa Franks.

“Now I am become white, the destroyer of worlds.”

I hate white people. White people should hate white people. In fact, when I think of all the white people I have ever encountered, whether they’ve been professors, peers, lovers, friends, police officers, etc.—there are perhaps a dozen I would consider “decent.”

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Support Immigrants in Hays County

Reposted from the Student Community of Progressive Empowerment at Texas State

The Student Community of Progressive Empowerment (SCOPE) is a student-led organization dedicated to supporting immigrants of all statuses (or lack of), the first of its kind on the Texas State University campus. Founded in 2015, SCOPE has been providing resources and support for its members and the Hays county community through a variety of initiatives –from raising money to provide scholarships to undocumented immigrants so that they may renew their DACA (Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals), to organizing pro bono days to provide free consultations with immigration attorneys free of cost and open to all community members, no questions asked.

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#TexasFightBack Press Release

Submission from campus antifascists, including members of the Autonomous Student Network, Solidarity 6.04, and United Students Against Sweatshops

UT students call on Austin to protest Katie Hopkins
British white nationalist encouraged Europe to meet migrants with “gunships”

On Tuesday November 13, UT students and greater Austin residents will gather outside UT’s Patton Hall to protest white nationalist Katie Hopkins’ scheduled speech. The UT chapter of Turning Point USA is hosting Hopkins, who is known for her extreme anti-migrant and Islamophobic rhetoric. Hopkins has advocated for the use of “gunships” against refugees entering Europe and a “final solution” for Muslims. In 2017, she collaborated with Defend Europe, a white supremacist organization with ties to the Ku Klux Klan.

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#TexasFightBack: Turning Point Brings White Nationalist To UT

Submission from some anti-fascist longhorns

On Tuesday, November 13th, the UT chapter of Turning Point USA will host a speaking event by white nationalist British “journalist” Katie Hopkins. While the choice of speaker is not surprising, it is a bold escalation from the more disguised racism that TPUSA typically traffics in under the banner of conservativism. Katie Hopkins’s racism is not disguised.

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What Starts Here: Kirk on Campus & Water Crisis

Autonomous Student Media: Gestures Towards the Ungovernable

While we missed a beat last week since we were busy digging into Turning Point, we’re back with a brief report on some of the stuff going on around campus. You’ve probably heard about these events, but we hope to highlight some perspectives and sides to these stories you might not otherwise find. Continue reading “What Starts Here: Kirk on Campus & Water Crisis”

Threat Modeling For Activists: Tips For Secure Organizing & Activism

Police block a roadway during Occupy SF protests, December 7, 2011. Threat modeling helps activists anticipate and respond to police repression. (Flickr / Thomas Hawk, CC-BY-NC license)

Originally posted by Kit O’Connell

Threat modeling is a fancy term for “knowing how to protect yourself in different situations.”

This is a draft document which will become part of an upcoming zine on security for activists. Your feedback and constructive criticism is welcome.

The idea of “threat modeling” originated in the military before being adopted by security experts. While the field includes many advanced concepts that don’t interest us here, threat modeling can help us get a handle on our personal security choices. In an age of mass surveillance, choosing what steps to take can feel overwhelming. For a lot of people, it may feel easier to do nothing at all than worry about protecting yourself online.

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