Texas State: Students Confront Fascism, Arrested, & Launch Sit-In Against Police Brutality

Banner dropped at TXST on May Day. Picture Credit: to YDSA @ TXST (@TXSTYDSA)

Press Release published by Resistance TXST. Resistance TXST is a coalition of Texas State University students advocating for the rights of underrepresented students on campus.

Background: On May 1st, Texas State students prepared for a confrontation with members of violent fascist group Texas Nomads, who planned to travel down from Austin and stage a rally in support of “free speech.” Members of Texas Nomads have repeatedly harassed liberal & leftist events in Austin, sometimes stalking people leaving these events. Members have assaulted anti-Trump protestors. Nomads member Christopher Ritchie was at the Charlottesville Nazi rally and has repeatedly gone to Portland to fight alongside Patriot Prayer. Their presence came as a response to a campaign & student government vote to ban Turning Point USA from campus.

Texas State University Police Department Brutally Arrests 4 Students of Color During Peaceful Protest

SAN MARCOS. TX – On Wed. May 1, four students were brutally arrest. by Texas State University Police Department while peacefully protesting threats of organized white supremacist presence on campus. Two of the students arrested are vocal, queer students of color that have been previously targeted by the university administration

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#IdentifyEvropa: Neo-Nazi Student at UT Austin

Autonomous Student Media: Gestures Towards the Ungovernable

There’s a Neo-Nazi student at UT who works with a national Neo-Nazi organization named Identity Evropa. How’s that for a hook? Although if you’ve been following along with events on campus the past few years, this probably isn’t that surprising. We believe his name is Clayton Ray Leonard, and will explain why & what we have found about him below.

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Black Sovereign Nation Calls for Boycott of Austin Public Libraries

Modified from a series of Facebook posts by Black Sovereign Nation. Read below for background on the #NoSanctuaryForBlackFutures Campaign. Visit BSN’s campaign website for more links, info, & ways to plug in.

From now until August, Black Sovereign Nation’s No Sanctuary for Black Futures Campaign is calling for a boycott of Austin Public Library. We would like to send the library administration and the City of Austin a strong message that our community takes equity very seriously. The library is an amazing space at which Black youth should feel welcome, celebrated, and supported. Unfortunately, APL does not have policy or training that can engender that type of environment. Our ask is simple! Develop stronger policy so that our kids can return to the libraries, where they belong.

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Texas State vs. Turning Point USA

Submission from AnMarcos

On April 8th the Texas State Student Senate convened to vote on legislation calling for the removal and banning of Turning Point USA from campus.

This came about not simply from clashing viewpoints, but due to the chapter’s history in illegally influencing student government elections, wrongly placing TXST professors on their infamous watchlist, procuring the firing of faculty and adjuncts, carrying metal batons on campus to harass and intimidate, propagandizing to students at the quad via billionaire-funded paid tablers, and use of their many connections to squeeze any who challenge them.
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InfoWars Invasion: Student Propagandists at UT

Autonomous Student Media: Gestures Towards the Ungovernable

Every so often on campus, students have to deal with the annoyance of a visit from InfoWars reporters. This is just part of being a student at UT, since InfoWars is based out of Austin and often seeks to get soundbites and content for sensationalist videos about liberal/leftist college students. While they are often treated as a joke, InfoWars is a dangerous force–especially for those who may try to call them out in person. In 2017, a young girl called them out on camera and was subsequently doxxed and harassed by InfoWars followers. Leftists or anybody who ends up with their face on an InfoWars livestream, whether on campus or at a protest, is at risk of doxxing & harassment from the Infowars mob.

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Call For Submissions: Pinche Mal Collective

Submission from Pinche Mal Collective

Pinche Mal members have described their project as emphasizing the convergence of latinidad, cybernetics, & futurism

Got a story you need to tell? Publish it with us! Send us your  opinion pieces, art, zines, reviews, news, statements, report-backs, or anything else you wanna see put out in the world. We take all kinds of content, with an eye towards marginalized perspectives and news about movements & revolutionary organizations. Submit content to austinautonomedia [@] autistici [dot] org.

Reportback: New Year’s Eve Prisoner Solidarity Noise Demo

Republished from It’s Going Down

Report back from the prisoner solidarity noise demonstration in Austin, Texas.

On December 31st, anarchists in Austin TX carried on the tradition of our annual solidarity noise demo at the Travis County jail. Around 10 folks gathered at a nearby park and walked to the jail together, joining others who were waiting for us. In total, there were around 15 of us, masked up and feeling festive!

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Interview: Indigenous Resistance at the Border

Originally published by It’s Going Down

Welcome, to This Is America, December 22nd, 2018.

In this episode, we had the pleasure of speaking to someone at the Somi Se’k Village Base Camp, which is an indigenous led resistance camp that is organizing along the Rio Grande in so-called Texas to mobilize against various resource extraction projects, threats to sacred sites, destruction of butterfly and other wildlife habitat, to provide direct aid to migrants, and also to fight border wall construction.

#StopRioGrandeLNG Banner Drop

Earlier today, we held banners on the proposed site of Rio Grande LNG to demand French bank Société Générale no longer finance this fracked gas project that would pollute the Valley! #StopRioGrandeLNGOn Friday, activists in France will mobilize outside the bank office to demand they divest from Rio Grande LNG & all fracking projects.

SAVE RGV from LNG 发布于 2018年12月12日周三

During our interview, we talk about the land the the battles facing the people there, and their call for solidarity and support. On their Facebook page, they write:

the Somi Se’k Village Base Camp’s mission is to populate and support a network of front Line Encampments (Wolf Pack) villages along the so called Mexican-American border. These villages will be active in providing aid to our asylum seeking relatives, protecting indigenous sacred sites, resisting construction of the LNG (fracked gas) terminal, accompanying pipelines, and stopping the Border wall. We fight to stop the senseless endangerment of people, animals, and the environment.

The first encampment that our Base Camp will support will be the Yalui village, located at the National Butterfly Center, which the border wall will soon divide and desecrate. The village will exist on both sides of the wall. From there, we will rebuild more Esto’k villages, from which we will protect, aid, and bear witness along the so called Texas-Mexico border.

The Somi Se’k Village Base Camp will support and train activists to populate these villages. We operate with the understanding that the issues arising around the border– the right to migrate, destruction of the environment and indigenous sacred sites, and the inhumane incarceration of migrant children– are intersectional and are symptoms of centuries-long control and oppression by colonizers.

We are Natives and non-Natives, Water Protectors, military veterans, students, community organizers, antifacist collectives, and working people. Working under the leadership of indigenous communities, we are people of all races, genders, ethnicities, political and spiritual backgrounds, and ages. We recognize our co-dependence and understand that we are one people.

To get in touch, donate, and learn more, go here.

After the interview, our discussion then turns to headlines, where we tackle the continued rapid disintegration of the Trump administration, the increasing far-Right rhetoric against migrant workers, Trump’s failure to get border wall funding passed, and also, the ramifications of his recent decision to pull out of Syria, leaving the Kurds and Rojavan territories to face Turkish and ISIS aggression on their own. For up to the minute news from Kurdistan, please follow ANF News as well as our comrades at Internationalist Commune.

We will return before the end of the year with announcements on new projects for 2019 as well as info on looking back on 2018. See you soon!