Panhellenic Pandemic: Dirt on the Cabo Crew

This article will be dedicated to screenshots and info gathered from submissions regarding the UT students (members of campus Greek Life) who took a chartered trip to Cabo amidst the COVID-19 pandemic. The structure of this article is intentionally freeform, to highlight specific bits of information while allowing new info to fill in the greater narrative about who/which institutions are responsible. If you have any information or updates, please send it to us at

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Your DNA is an Abomination

By Rudy Martinez. Republished from Sybil. Initially published in “The University Star,” the student newspaper of Texas State. This piece provoked massive right-wing backlash, resulting in the administration condemning the author and scrubbing the article from the publication. We republish it here for the crucial intervention it makes against white supremacy, and because fuck Texas State and angry whites. Read Rudy’s followup, detailing the backlash after this piece was initially published. Featured image by Alyssa Franks.

“Now I am become white, the destroyer of worlds.”

I hate white people. White people should hate white people. In fact, when I think of all the white people I have ever encountered, whether they’ve been professors, peers, lovers, friends, police officers, etc.—there are perhaps a dozen I would consider “decent.”

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