Keeping Austin Criminal: An Insurgent Review of 2020

Austin Autonomedia: Keep Austin Criminal

2020 was a year of insurgent milestones in Austin–an explosion of autonomous initiatives, a proliferation of insurrectionary tactics and revolt, and the weaving together of new connections between fragmented worlds inhabiting this territory.

We’ve decided to forefront some of the highlights of this year, to celebrate the high points of this year and look forward to the next one. This is not a claim to a comprehensive review of the activity of this past year, an attempt at in-depth analysis and critique, nor a claim to what projects/initiatives/actions “mattered” or not–it’s merely a reflection of things that we have found on our radar, find inspiring, and wish to highlight and remember. We encourage any fellow insurgents reading this to put out their own analysis and perspectives about the event of this year, whether through our page, your own platforms, or wheatpasted on the walls of the city.

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Panhellenic Pandemic: Dirt on the Cabo Crew

This article will be dedicated to screenshots and info gathered from submissions regarding the UT students (members of campus Greek Life) who took a chartered trip to Cabo amidst the COVID-19 pandemic. The structure of this article is intentionally freeform, to highlight specific bits of information while allowing new info to fill in the greater narrative about who/which institutions are responsible. If you have any information or updates, please send it to us at

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