Proud Boy Employed By Oracle Makes Threats

Austin Autonomedia: Gestures Towards the Ungovernable

Update 2/12/21: We’ve found that Dreyer’s full name is Trevor Cole Dreyer. We leave the rest of this article as it was initially published.

In the past week, a Proud Boy by the name of Cole Dreyer has exposed himself on social media. In a series of Facebook comments under a pro-choice post, Dreyer progressively escalates from spewing conspiracy theories about after-birth abortions to anti-black racism and rhetoric about “culling” Austin of left of center people, whom he calls “fascist terrorists.”

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Merry Doxxmas! A Racist Holiday Roundup

Autonomous Student Media: Gestures Towards the Ungovernable

Over a month ago, UT students and Austin anti-racists showed out to take action against the presence of white nationalist speaker Katie Hopkins on campus. Since the counter-protest, a team of antifascists has dedicated itself to digging up information on the students who attended thise event, where the Daily Texan reported the audience applauding the grotesque xenophobia Hopkins was spewing.

This crew now gladly presents the fruits of this research, as well as a call to help identify some yet unrecognized faces. The research below includes people who were at the Katie Hopkins event, as well as newly identified members of Turning Point USA or the Young Conservatives of Texas.

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