Zine Making Skillshare

Event Details

Fan the flames

“… the apolitical people, most of them very young, had never imagined an insurrection before, and it changed their lives, but after it ended the depression was profound because their already hopeless lives became even more miserable after seeing that another world was possible and having it slip between their fingers and retreat to an unimaginable distance. The experienced anarchists could have preserved some of the enthusiasm of December by sharing their long-term understanding of the struggle with the new generation and making more efforts to invite the newcomers into the autonomous spaces where the flames of insurrection burn a little brighter.”
What Greece Means (to me) For Anarchism by A. G. Schwarz

At the zine making skill share some local zinestress(es) will teach digital design, printing and local distro for zines. In addition to learning to make zines the skill share is a time to reflect, and imagine while the spirit of rebellion burns bright.

Accessibility: Talk is indoors. Monkeywrench Books is wheelchair accessible, though the route to get to the front door is complicated–you have to go down to either end of the strip of businesses (by Bertha’s or Ermine Vintage) to get on the sidewalk leading to the door.

Masks will be encouraged, and free masks will be available courtesy of ATX Mask Bloc.