Flood the Tech Core: A New Front Opens in Austin’s Movement for Palestine

An anonymous transmission

On 10/7, the anniversary of the heroic Al-Aqsa Flood operation launched by the unified Palestinian resistance factions, a group of 30 people demonstrated at the BAE facility in Austin. The BAE office sits in a corporate park that also houses General Motors, 3M, Qualcomm, Infosys, Apple, and other tech companies. This corporate park was labelled the “Core of Genocide in Austin” as indicated by a banner at the demo.

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Jay Hartzell Home Vandalized on Graduation Day

A grey garage with a white garage door. Three painters in grey shirts and jeans stand in front of it. A message written in red paint is barely visible through the new paint on top.

An Anonymous Transmission

This morning we received several reports that Jay Hartzell awoke to find ‘No confidence’ tagged across the front of his garage. As Jay Hartzell and his weird overlords continue their futile attempts to repress the movement we applaud this brave, logical, and hilarious direct action. Happy graduation day, Jay.

Got a something you need to publish? Send it to us! We take all kinds of radical/revolutionary content, with a special affinity for anarchist/autonomous movements and crews. We specialize in research and strategic intelligence that can inform direct action, but we’ll take art, opinion pieces, and other stuff too! Submit content to austinautonomedia [@] autistici [dot] org. You can also subscribe to our mailing list to get direct updates about new content


Make the University An Anti-Colonial Commons: A Statement To Our Past Selves from the Liberated Zone at UT Austin, 05/01/2024

An Anonymous Transmission From The Future

Today is May Day, and we have celebrated an entire week of our growing presence and resistance. On May Day, we honor the spirits of all revolutionary martyrs through struggle. We have celebrated today with a brilliant noise demonstration, breaking the University’s sonic stranglehold. Some friends have taken over the radio station and begun broadcasting messages of resistance from the camp and the Palestinian resistance. Every night we listen to the daily updates from Palestine and other liberated campuses, celebrating the many victories over occupying police & soldiers, learning from the tactics deployed & practicing them, and evaluating the obstacles & limitations we still have to overcome.

In the past week, we have grown so much. We are smarter, fiercer, and more capable than we ever could have imagined ourselves before last week. The University’s rules mean nothing to us, and the police can’t stop us, because there are so many of us here and we are so prepared that they are helpless.

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Goodbye Southby: The 1st Annual SmashXSmashWest in Review

Austin Autonomedia: Keeping Austin Criminal

Strolling down the thumping, plastered downtown streets that SXSW treat as its campus, you are likely to have a free can of “C4” shoved in your face. This energy drink named after an explosive is the perfect symbol of what the festival-conference has to offer: a cloying and too seamless blend of brand consciousness, work cultism, consumerist reverie, and militarism. The can is a bomb lobbed at you– but one you are meant to gleefully let blow you up to improve your status and efficacy within the capitalist-imperialist project.

Watching Southby’s lanyard wearing throng drink down these noxious narratives left us with a seething desire to knock the can out of their hands, to shout the truth to the heavens, to shake some sense into the world around us. And so we did.

Whether answering SmashXSmashWest’s call for Divestment and Disruption or following their own paths, autonomous crews of protesters, revolutionaries, and hooligans made their presence known downtown last week, ripping through layers of self-congratulatory spectacle to reveal the conference’s deep cynicism, moral bankruptcy, and harmful consequences within Austin and far beyond. Here are the interventions we know about.

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Announcing the Austin Autonomedia Mailing List

Austin Autonomedia: Keeping Austin Criminal

Over the last few years our reach has unfortunately been diminished. The security & privacy risks of social media platforms, and their hostility towards projects like ours, has led us to abandon or be unable to access our former Facebook & Twitter accounts, and our reach on Mastodon only goes so far into the small anarchist galaxy. Most of our traffic has likely been from other sites re-posting & linking to content, or people in the local anarchist milieu sharing publications.

In order to expand our reach, we’ve launched a new mailing list! This mailing list will be a medium for communicating updates & new releases from the site to followers beyond the traps of social media. We highly encourage you to subscribe: https://noise.autistici.org/mailman/listinfo/atxautonomedia

The mailing list is provided & managed through autistici, an anarchistic, privacy & security oriented tech services provider which also maintains the infrastructure for noblogs (the site we are on)

Got a something you need to publish? Send it to us! We take all kinds of radical/revolutionary content, with a special affinity for anarchist/autonomous movements and crews. We specialize in research and strategic intelligence that can inform direct action, but we’ll take art, opinion pieces, and other stuff too! Submit content to austinautonomedia [@] autistici [dot] org. You can also subscribe to our mailing list to get direct updates about new content

Imagine a Free Palestine: A Thought Experiment About A Saturday March

a picture of a crowd of pro-palestine protesters marching in the street down congress avenue. An instagram caption reads "we took the streets" with a palestinian flag next to it

Report-back anonymously submitted

Imagine that you have witnessed four months of unrelenting genocide.
Imagine that the government you live under and pay taxes to is sponsoring and encouraging that genocide.

Imagine that all over the country, for four months, people have been engaging in brave protest and resistance to that genocide—blocking bridges, freeways, train stations; disrupting meetings and political rallies of genocidaires; vandalizing the businesses of profiteers; getting arrested by the score; literally setting themselves on fire to make their protest seen, heard, and viscerally felt.

Continue reading “Imagine a Free Palestine: A Thought Experiment About A Saturday March”

10th Annual NYE Noise Demo

a blurry photo of a crowd with fireworks and in black masks

Anonymous Transmission

On New Year’s Eve, a few dozen revellers gathered to ring in the New Year in solidarity with those imprisoned at the Travis County Jail. This iteration of the annual NYE demo, which aims to show support to the people inside and antagonism to the jailers, has been running for 10 years. This year, the crowd marched with drums, puts, pans, and fireworks, all set to sick techno beats from a mobile speaker system. At the end of the demo, to celebrate the 10 years, a special gift was left for the jailers: bags of ballpit balls covered in slime.

Solidarity as well to those who staged a disruption at the NYE fireworks show at Auditorium Shores in solidarity with the struggle in Palestine.

Fire to the Prisons, Freedom to the Prisoners!

Long Live the Intifada!

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Pressure Points for Palestine Solidarity in Austin, Texas

Picture of text that reads: "Providing justifications and excuses to lower the level of revolutionary and solidarity action to symbolic and formal levels is a stab in the back of Palestine and its people, and will comfort the aggression alliance to give it space to continue crimes against our people. The Front reaffirms its previous call for a mass flood towards the embassies, interests, and bases of the aggression forces and a greater role for solidarity parties and forces in escalating the struggle against the alliance of enemies worldwide.”

Austin Autonomedia: Keeping Austin Criminal

Grassroots support for Palestinians is at an all-time high despite Western politicians’ and war profiteers’ attempts to weaponize Jewish identity against them, outlaw and repress solidarity protests, and rally around Israel’s “right to defend itself.” But to stop the genocide in Gaza, activists in the United States will have to move from demanding a ceasefire to imposing one. This will require a shift from demands that appeal to the consciences of elected officials to tactics that create a political crisis for politicians and disrupt corporations’ ability to profit from the oppression and genocide of Palestinian people–Fayer Collective, “Strategizing for Palestinian Solidarity: Expanding the Toolkit

Below is a brief opening to a conversation about how to advance the current Palestinian solidarity efforts in Austin beyond the marches, which currently remain contained to a framework of demand-making and limited to marching downtown.  Below is a list of different institutions that form components of the US & Israeli war machines, which may be sites of action. We hope this information inspires people, whether in small crews taking action together, or larger autonomous groups looking to act during the marches downtown. Images for conversion into flyers at the end.

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Reportback from #StopCopCity Solidarity Demo in ATX

A picture of 3 banners in front of an office building. The first one on the left reads "We'll Flex on Pavetex" with a drawing of a masked person flexing their arm. The second reads "Drop the Contract Atlas" the third reads "Fuck you Lonnie, Atlas sucks"

Anonymous Transmission

Greetings from central Texas. This Thursday a few forest freaks made their way over to the Atlas headquarters for a noise demo. Atlas is a billion dollar company whose subsidiary Long engineering has been building cop city. We came with noise makers and banners expressing our affection for Atlas CEO Lonnie Joe Boyer and their other subsidiary Pavetex. A heavy police presence was waiting: a few thugs on the ground, some more thugs on the parking garage, and they even brought a drone out. It looks some people over at Atlas might be getting a little nervous. We also noticed that Atlas took their company name off the office sign, comical, frankly.

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